According to
vig•i•lant (ˈvɪdʒ ə lənt) adj.
1. keenly watchful to detect trouble; wary.
2. ever awake and alert.
So imagine my surprise when we discovered this over the weekend...
Normally I consider myself vigilant.
According to vig•i•lant (ˈvɪdʒ ə lənt) adj. 1. keenly watchful to detect trouble; wary. 2. ever awake and alert. So imagine my surprise when we discovered this over the weekend... This is a very interesting program with bomb sniffing "vapor" dogs being developed here in Alabama in coalition with Auburn University. Click on the link to view this interesting CNN media clip:
Dogs with skills Let Korie be your inspiration to find something fun to do this weekend. GO PLAY!
Chase a ball, chase a bird, or chase your tail, but do it with joy and happiness. Have a great weekend! Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
When Death claims the light of my brow No flowers of life will cheer me: instead You may give me my roses now! - Thomas F, Healey the magic of roasted garlicI'm not sure how you can take a common rank, hot, smelly bulb of raw garlic, prep and put in oven for about an hour and transform it into smooth buttery roasted garlic. But I promise you, roasted garlic will take your taste buds off this planet and is CULINARY MAGIC! Am I yelling?'s that good.
Ah the joys of breeding season. Geese share nests. One is broody and sitting on nothing, the 2nd kicks her out and continues to lay eggs which will be collected and put in the incubator. Honey.....will you gather the eggs for me today???
It's terribly early to experience anything other than an alarm clock and shower and getting ready to begin the day....but it happened anyway.
I dropped an egg. And not just ANY egg. A stinky half rotten pastel call duck egg that I was removing from the incubator after candling this morning (a task best done in the dark). At least it dropped on the cement floor of the basement instead of the carpet where the incubator lives in its own bedroom/hatchery room. And LUCKILY Korie was there to help me clean it up. YUCK!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! And then a cup of coffee and this: ![]() Ahh Spring! Flowers blooming, birds chirping, bees buzzing, and CHICKS POPPING OUT ALL OVER THE PLACE...not to mention goslings and ducklings to boot! Chicks start out small, I mean like really, really tiny. And a lot of em can fit in one small plastic bin brooder box with a heat lamp, a little kibble on the towel, and a bottle of water. It's not complicated. Warm, fed and clean = healthy chicks. Fast forward 2 weeks. Man they grow FAST. And you look around and think "we're gonna need a bigger box". |
Kelley Creek Farms is a small (micro really) hobby farm located in Central Alabama 30 minutes south of Birmingham. We raise heritage and rare waterfowl and poultry along with a myriad of other creatures that give the farm its life. In addition to the birds, we raise heirloom tomatoes and vegetables.
Each day is different and brings a new set of adventures. Some make you laugh and some make you cry. Some are just plain frustrating. But we persevere knowing that tomorrow's set of problems will be completely different than today. Still figuring all this out day at a time and striving for a more sustainable way of life. ALL
January 2015