Where to start....??
Labor Day Holiday is GONE...summer is GONE... here it is still 90+ degrees during the day...HOT, but the humidity levels and rain have died off over the last couple of days. Still remarkably hot during the day, but you can walk outside and not need a shower when you come back in 10 minutes later. I know this will floor you, but although you are reading this on Friday morning, I am writing on Thursday night, watching the crummy nightly news cause I'm too damn lazy to get up from the computer and change the channels to Two and a Half Men...always good for a laugh. And then the dog/soldier/war hero story comes on. Really? Hold back the tears. Or don't. I certainly didn't. Korie and I have been through a rough patch past few weeks. One day I'll share to the public, but suffice it to say, she's good now. But it was a long quick 5 week ride getting here. Enjoy the video. Get the tissue... I hope your dogs give you the same joy and pain mine give me. http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-news/52312401#52312401 I'm on a roll -- I'm certain this obsession with the blueberries should end, but the reality is that unlike okra (which I am SICK of seeing, picking, freezing, pickling, frying and eating), I never get tired of blueberries. And they freeze so nicely in a ziplock freezer bag. Just rinse in colander and VOILA! fresh from the freezer blueberries.
The workload of spring somehow carried over into early summer and then on into the heat of July, and I've completely lost track of time. I can't believe that the box of McMurray Hatchery Silver Grey Dorking chicks shipped back in February are already old enough to produce baby chicks themselves, but indeed...the "test" proved positive and 21 days later, this little guy popped out.
What to do for a lonely solo chick? |
Kelley Creek Farms is a small (micro really) hobby farm located in Central Alabama 30 minutes south of Birmingham. We raise heritage and rare waterfowl and poultry along with a myriad of other creatures that give the farm its life. In addition to the birds, we raise heirloom tomatoes and vegetables.
Each day is different and brings a new set of adventures. Some make you laugh and some make you cry. Some are just plain frustrating. But we persevere knowing that tomorrow's set of problems will be completely different than today. Still figuring all this out ....one day at a time and striving for a more sustainable way of life. ALL
January 2015