According to
vig•i•lant (ˈvɪdʒ ə lənt) adj.
1. keenly watchful to detect trouble; wary.
2. ever awake and alert.
So imagine my surprise when we discovered this over the weekend...
Yes...those are geese.
NO! They are not my geese.
Apparently the Canadians know a good thing when they see one. Balmy winters, abundant grasses and clover, a nice pretty pond just large enough to have a hidden nesting spot. WHAT?? 30 days to incubate goose eggs into gooselings. How did I not discover this sooner?
And then there is a ruckus. My flock did not appreciate the interlopers who marched the happy little family to "their" side of the pond. There was cursing and hissing. Flapping and noise. A lot of noise.
And no pictures. Sorry, use your imagination...
It was quite short and to my horror, a couple of the Canadian goslings began to trot after my flock rather than the Canadians who had been shown the door to the other side of the pond.
C.Gander honked. They listened. Imaginary segregated boundaries were drawn and life continued.