This has been a tougher than average week at Kelley Creek Farms, and I find myself at a loss for words....writer's block?
Umm... that's not exactly right. I have a lot of "words" swarming around in my head making up a sentence, sometimes in a moment of clarity, there are 2 sentences, but rarely at a time when I can get them on paper. And then the pictures don't match up to the topic or life in general gets in the way of sitting down and putting all the thoughts coherently together in one place. Or whatever.
I think we farmgirls have to develop a blocking ability to deal with the unpleasantries that do come with farm life from time to time. And sometimes like in daily life, they come more than one at a time. All in all, I'm pretty lucky with the numbers game, and most things raised do very well and are healthy.
But not today. Today I need to cull a tiny duck that hatched with a club foot. A club foot duck can't swim nor walk properly so it has no chance at a normal life and best get the deed done before it develops a cute personality. It was one of 9 pastel call ducklings that hatched yesterday, and all of them look just like Butterpea and Biscuit . Cute little boogers so not the easiest of things to do, but I guess it's all part of the farm life. Doesn't make it any easier or any less unpleasant.
Umm... that's not exactly right. I have a lot of "words" swarming around in my head making up a sentence, sometimes in a moment of clarity, there are 2 sentences, but rarely at a time when I can get them on paper. And then the pictures don't match up to the topic or life in general gets in the way of sitting down and putting all the thoughts coherently together in one place. Or whatever.
I've dealt with mystery illness sleepy/droopy goslings for the past few days and brought the 3 youngest back in the house to keep a better eye on their recovery. This morning I hesitated to go downstairs to check on them. I knew there was a 50/50 chance I would lose the weakest of them. But somehow he was ok and chatty, talking back when I asked him if he was feeling better. "More lettuce please".
I think we farmgirls have to develop a blocking ability to deal with the unpleasantries that do come with farm life from time to time. And sometimes like in daily life, they come more than one at a time. All in all, I'm pretty lucky with the numbers game, and most things raised do very well and are healthy.
But not today. Today I need to cull a tiny duck that hatched with a club foot. A club foot duck can't swim nor walk properly so it has no chance at a normal life and best get the deed done before it develops a cute personality. It was one of 9 pastel call ducklings that hatched yesterday, and all of them look just like Butterpea and Biscuit . Cute little boogers so not the easiest of things to do, but I guess it's all part of the farm life. Doesn't make it any easier or any less unpleasant.